Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bones On Fox TV

I know the scripts are not the actors faults.But I caught the last 15 minutes of this show while playing with my daughter on her little piano and it was quite stupid.There aren't many shows I hate worse than American Idol and Simon the douchebag.Soap operas are as corny and immature as it gets and thank God I would never have to bare witnessing one live having a job,I just hate to see stupid corny plots on primetime television.If I was an actor I doubt any producers or directors would want to work with me because if we were 3 or 4 episodes deep into the season and I read some wack shit like this tonight I just don't think I could do it.I would at the minimum have to say this is lame just to let you know.I wonder if the actors get any say or get to give their opinions on the episode before they film?Anyone know?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Briley Grace @ 10 months

I wish you could see how bright blue her eyes are I don't know if i have a close up pic or not.I am bringing her up this weekend to see her mom she gets a 4 hour visit but i have 4 hours of drive time each way so she might be a little cranky if you guys get to see her.

Briley Grace's first Christmas

Sorry it took so long for me to get on here and start posting pics and updates.I hope to get her up to visit more often but money has been a little tight here lately with being laid off for 3 months.Briley is exactly 6 months old here Christmas eve night.Jeremy got her this jumperoo she is sitting in.She did actually jump around like crazy for a while.Im trying to find where all the different pics are on this computer they are scattered around in different folders i will try to get a lot of them on here I know you haven't seen her in a while.